Suggested enhancements
This page lists all suggested enhancements at the time of release.
High priority
The most important suggested features for future releases of AWeb are,
in order of priority:
- Support for Daytona Java package
- Cascaded style sheets (CSS1)
- JavaScript 1.2/2.0
- Select and follow links with the keyboard
Other enhancements
These enhancements were suggested to me. I can't tell yet when I'll include
these things in AWeb, if at all, but probably many of them will be in
the next major release.
Enhancements in functionality
- Retry connection past a proxy if connection to proxy fails.
- Option: cancel all pending inline image loads for a document when
following a link.
- "Pause network activity" button.
- External program or script for HTTP retrieves.
- Optional statistics in network status window.
- Implement global history.
Also: possibility to choose an URL from the global history.
- Global window history, editing, rearrange, copy to hotlist.
- Direct support for .z and .gz files: uncompress before processing or
starting external viewer.
- Let dragging with the mouse scroll the page.
- Option: render images vertically compressed on 1:2 pixel screens (like 640x200).
- Get information about a link or image.
- Check if saved/downloaded file fits on disk
- Screen preferences: wildcards in screen name like DOPUS.*
- Support for HAM Workbench
- Let every window remember its own save directory.
- Cachebrowser: protect certain entries from automatic deletion.
- Cachebrowser: collapse option to show only servers and optionally files.
- More sophisticated keyboard control of various listbrowsers.
- Additional popup menu section that is shown everywhere (not depending on link/image).
- Option to define keyboard shortcuts for entries in the hotlist.
- Use ENCTYPE for forms sent to x-aweb:command, allowing running cgi
Cosmetic enhancements
- Configurable main window GUI.
- Block 2nd 'open local' requester from same window if one is still open.
Same for 'save as' (any more?)
- Text in navigation buttons with single hotkey
- No redisplay if loaded image is completely above the visible window.
- Flag: proxy status on/off in window titlebar.
- Special colour for non-browse links like mailto: and telnet:.
- Revert to previous screen mode if selected screen mode doesn't open, instead
of falling back to Workbench.
- Save positions for 2nd and later windows.
- Take display clip into account when opening full-sized window.
- If settings changed but not saved, show warning requester before quit.
- If named screen does not exist, show error requester (and open on default
public screen).
- Do proper URL encoding; decode on file://localhost
- Proxy prefs: separate string gadget for port number.
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